

  1. Daily Islamic Prayer
  2. Sholat berjamaah
  3. Iqra’
  4. Hafalan doa sehari-hari & Qur’an Sr. pendek
  5. Manasik Haji
  6. English daily instruction
  7. Computer learning and science
  8. English song and rhyme
  9. Story Telling
  10. Thematic activities
  11. Market day
  12. Singing and dancing
  13. Swimming
  14. Competition
  15. Edutrip
  16. Doctor’s and Dentist’s visit
  17. Stage performance:- Muslim costume show
    - Al Kautsar’s Choir
    - Casual show
    - Hat show
    - Gerak dan lagu
  1. Fun Games:- Fun Balloon
    - Building pyramid
    - Arrange big puzzle
    - Fun maze
    - Bola keranjang
  1. Special Events:- Independence day
    - Kartini and national education day
    - Graduation day and children performance